Adding ingredients to boxed brownies is a simple way to create a "homemade" treat! Here's how to make your brownies stand out in the crowd and nobody will know that they're from a box!
Step One: Purchase a box of your favorite brownie mix. I love the "Pillsbury" brand and Pillsbury is only around $1.50 per box. It's usually less than the others and just as good, if not better!
Step Two: "This one is very important if you want gooey brownies."
You'll use the recipe that's on the box, except when you get to the egg part, we're going to change that, to add one egg and only use the egg whites. So, if it calls for 3 eggs, use 4 egg whites. I also add about 2 tablespoons more oil than it calls for. This makes the brownies super gooey and delicious!
Step Three: Before baking, spoon 7 or 8 spoonful's of your favorite topping on top of the brownie mixture. (See topping ideas under this post.) Then, drag a knife in an "s" shape through each spoonful of topping, to kind of "smear" it around. Now it looks beautiful!
Step Four: Bake as directed on the box. Done! Not so homemade "Homemade" brownies!
Topping Ideas: peanut butter, marshmallow cream, Nutella, fudge, caramel, you can also add 1/2 a cup of your favorite nuts!